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I Enjoyed The Ride!

   Hello! I must say that this chapter has grown from its modest beginnings in 2017-2018.  About 15 members, who had a like mind of riding motorcycles for fun and pleasure, came together to get this this chapter started and off the ground. 

   I would be remiss, if I did not thank John Mooney and Pete Schappert, for getting this HOG Chapter started. They knew that the Dealership lacked a HOG Chapter that would successfully represent Suffolk County Harley-Davidson They then sort out people who would be interested in putting this Chapter together. They solicited the services of Paul Pizzutto, who became our first Head Road Captain. Paul along with John and Pete had the insight to put people in place, who were dedicated to making this a Great Chapter. Though John, the original Director has moved on, he should be thanked for his efforts.

   After John, moved on, the reigns passed on to “Irish John” who, steered the ship along, until he stepped down due to other commitments. Thank you John for keeping the Ship afloat.

   Upon John’s departure, current Director Paul Pizzutto was, asked to take the helm. That was an easy choice, because beside him attending a “Gaggle” of Birthday Parties during the year, you could see he had the commitment towards the Chapter to make sure it succeeded. Paul puts 110 percent into making this Chapter one of the best! Going forward. We wish Paul well, navigating the Chapter into the future.

    Joining this Chapter has been a blessing. Having come from another “Brotherhood,” I was able to forge another here. I Made friends, I will never forget! People that when I’m on the road, I can trust implicitly! Where else can you join a Chapter and actually meet, “Magellan” ……….Bob Bronzo! You need a route, a road, a stopping point; Bob has been there, rode it or ate there! How could he not, he has been riding the “Black Ribbon” since the day they planted the first Great Sequoia saplings in the California Forrest!

    This chapter has created a bond with several Great Organizations along the way. We have brought hundreds of smiles to the faces of children less fortunate than us, with our contributions of toys and money to the Ronald McDonald House. These monies have helped the house continue to support the families of the residence, who use the facility while their child is receiving treatment at the adjacent hospital. This Chapter should very be proud of what we did for this Charity.

     We have helped support the family of Richie Ortiz, a founding member while he was sick, and kept his memory alive after his death with our annual “Richie’s Ride” During this ride we raised monies to support the Ronald McDonald House, as well as those who lost a spouse due to cancer.  This ride has always been well received and proud to be part of it from the beginning. This is a testament of the love and support Head Road Captain Frank Viscomi had for his friend Richie and his family. His memory will always be alive with this Chapter.

    The Road Captains here have always put together a great ride schedule. We all took pride in the rides we scheduled and safety of our members. Remember, this is a voluntary position, and they all give a lot of their time to plot out these rides. I am proud to have led these individuals as Head Road Captain, before moving on to Secretary.

   Lastly, we have formed a relationship with the Medford Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). Paul had the foresight to see that our chapter was growing, and we needed a place to accommodate a large group for our meetings.  Paul set up a meeting with John Reuter, me, and Eric and we came to agreement to hold our monthly meetings with an agreement to help the VFW, whenever we could. This would be accomplished by either attending their parades, marching with Walter, or just recently coordinating a “Poker Run” that benefited the VFW as they changed the name of the Post, to the Keith Bishop VFW.

  As I make the move down south, leaving this Chapter leaves a huge hole in my Heart. I enjoyed every moment I spent with the Chapter. Although I leave, I will always be part of this group. I have made too many Friendships that will last forever. I consider some as Brothers and Sisters and will always look out for them. I will be back for visits and rides, and will always be available, no matter how far, to lend a hand. If you are down my way, please reach out. Let’s get a ride in! Please take care of each other and ride safe. Remember all the Officer Positions are Voluntary, and they give a lot of their time to keep Chapter running smooth. Take pride in what you are part of, and “Give what you Take!” It will make the experience, that much better!

   In the coming months, Paul will be appointing someone to take my position. I’m sure they will do a great job, and I will support them in any way I can! I thank “Y’all” for the support during my ride. I appreciate it!  

    I’d like to thank all the staff at Suffolk County Harley-Davidson for their support. Once again, made relationships with all, that I will never forget. From Lisa and Chris at the front to Renee and Donna, Pete, and Rubens, behind the scenes! Your work and help to me, and the Chapter were appreciated!  Thank you!

'Til then, Ride safe and enjoy the ride! See Y’all soon!

- Nick

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4020 Sunrise Highway
Oakdale, New York 11769
Phone: 631.244.9000
Fax: 631.244.0521

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