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July 14, 2019

Curb your Enthusiasm?


     Our ride on Sunday, July 14, was a bit of an “Impromptu Ride" as it was my first venture as an Assistant Road Captain. I put a ride together, that would take us from our usual staging area at Cumberland farms, to Southold via back roads from the south shore and along the Peconic bay. A stop at the historic Horton’s Point lighthouse was planned, but due to a few ‘wrong turns" by myself, we ended up elsewhere.

     13 members of of group attended the ride, as well as guests of Assistant Road Captain Jack Costa, that being his brother and sister in law. Guest's are always welcome to join in on our rides, as long as they sign a waiver. We started off and made our way down to Sunrise Hwy, east toward the Hamptons. Once on the south shore, the group made its way along the Peconic Bay, across some nice scenic roads toward Southold Once in Southold, I attempted to navigate toward Horton’s Point lighthouse, but due to a few wrong turns, I totally missed the mark, and after traveling in a BIG circle for awhile, I eventually led the group to Kenny’s Road Beach park, where we could regroup and use the facilities at the park. One problem, the bathrooms were locked. Well, since they were locked a few members decided to “take matters into their own hands” and improvise as seen fit. Unfortunately, a “Larry David” look-alike, standing on his porch adjacent to the parking lot began chastising some from our group, using some choice language. He was pretty much ignored, and that seemed to raise his ire! Another neighbor adjacent to the beach took a different tact and spoke with Road captain Paule and I. After our discussion, she agreed to take pictures along with our group. Rumor has it; she had a detailed description of one of the "violators" and was looking to meet them in person. I cannot confirm or deny that!

     After this brief stop, it was decided to forego the lighthouse and head to the Southold fish market for lunch, but there was one problem, as we were leaving the lot, we were stopped by two of “Southold’s Finest!" At this time I met with the officers and explained what happened. They understood the dilemma.  After a brief discussion, the officers had a few laughs and took pictures with the club. “Larry David” was having none of this and ran down from his porch toward the officers shouting “Public urination….....Public urination!"  I thought we were on the set of “Curb Your Enthusiasm!" I was waiting for "Leon" to come along. "Larry" was clearly upset that the Officer’s were just letting us leave, so we snapped a few photos of our new friend, which he was clearly not happy about, and headed out on our way.

    The group then made its way to the Southold Fish Market only to find out they were not opening for another 45 minutes. It was then decided to head into Greenport and find a place for lunch. We then arrived in Greenport and decided to get a bite at Claudio’s, only to be told, that they also would not be opening because of a “Computer Glitch"! Talk about "Murphy's Law". Eventually we all made our way to Lucharito’s Cafe and enjoyed some lunch and conversation. After lunch, some decided to head back west while some stayed to enjoy the music at Claudio’s. All in all it turned out to be a good day.

     I would like to thank all the Road Captains and those riding for making my first ride as an Assistant Road Captain, a memorable ride, even with the few glitches. Thanks for your understanding and patience. Promise it will get better. Till, our next ride, stay safe and enjoy the summer.

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4020 Sunrise Highway
Oakdale, New York 11769
Phone: 631.244.9000
Fax: 631.244.0521

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